Here you can order one or more unique paintings that are created according to your wishes and your company. Together we will mix your ideas with my creativity.
Contact me and I will help you.
Do you want to create a wonderful feeling in the conference room, a little extra color and inspiration in the lunch room, or get more energy in the reception?
Art has started to become increasingly common in workplaces and offices. I offer my original art in various formats, techniques and price ranges. Do you want something completely unique and created just for your company, something that matches your colors and in a format that fits a special place?
A first meeting with me is a free consultation meeting of about 30 minutes where we talk about what you and your company need, you are welcome to send some pictures of the place you want art on. The meeting is completely unconditional and without purchase requirement. After our conversation, I'll send you a quote, if it feels right, we'll start work.
Welcome to contact me!
How to order:
You don't need to know exactly what you want, the easiest thing is to contact me and I will help you.
1. Consultation meeting where we discuss the type of board: colour, size and feel. Please send a picture of where the painting should sit. Price and schedule are discussed.
2. I will send you a quote. If it is accepted, I start the work and send the invoice.
3. I will send updates during the painting process where you can like.
4. When you are 100% satisfied and approve the painting(s), it/they are sent insured to your company.